
Welcome to the Cha-Pa-Di Chapter of Amangi Nacha Lodge 47 of the Order of the Arrow’s website!



Chapter meetings:

  Second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

  Foothills Church
2380 Merrychase Dr, Cameron Park, CA 95682




Chapter Chief: Emma C (

           Chapter Adviser: Steven Goldammer (


Vice Chief of Program: Allison W (Adviser: Brenda Washington)

Vice Chief of Communications: Samantha C (Adviser: Brian Wegesser)

Vice Chief of Inductions: Gretchen L (Adviser: Heather Whitney)

Vice Chief of Ceremonies: Ryan J (Adviser: Keith Underwood)

Vice Chief of Finances: Benjamin C (Adviser: Terry Tocci)

Vice Chief of Camping: Nathan W (Adviser: Vacant)